World’s cruelest murder: Junko Furuta

Dona Sussan Chacko
6 min readAug 23, 2020


(Warning: This article contains information regarding torture that could potentially upset readers.)

“Mama, can you call me early tomorrow? I have to revise for tomorrow’s test”, seventeen-year-old Junko Furuta said. She was a bright student, never missed a class and always maintained her high grades. Next morning when her classmates were all talking about the graduation trip, Junko wanted to go too!

“But how would I ask Mama and Papa, they can’t even afford school”, Junko said to herself. She started working in the plastic moulding shop, two days a week. Junko was pretty, had many admirers but she was focused on her studies and the graduation trip.

“A pretty girl she is, worth a night or more”, Hiroshi Miyano thought. When Hiroshi needs something, he better get it. Even the teachers were scared of this young eighteen-year-old boy, he was powerful with the Yakuza gang by his side.

He went over to Junko, confessed his affection towards her. But see, Junko was a brave girl, she said “No”. Hiroshi was haunted by humiliation every second after that.

“How dare she reject me? It’s the beauty that made her arrogant. I’ll teach her how to treat people”.

Junko left late from work that day, she was on her bicycle riding hastily to reach home really quick, Hiroshi and his friend were waiting for her in the car which was parked near to the shop, mending plans. According to the plan, his friend Misato kicked her off the cycle. While Junko was crying and trying to get up from the road, Hiroshi drove the car near to her, got out and acted as if it was coincidental. He held his arm out and helped Junko get up. “Are you alright poor Junko? Should I drop you home? Come on in, you are bleeding.” She was unable to walk. She agreed. She had no other way to get back home and Hiroshi was not a stranger.

Hiroshi, helped her get in the car. He steered away, far away from her home. To the Yakuza gang’s secret place. A warehouse, hidden behind the woods. Hiroshi looked at her, with eyes filled with anger, revenge and hate, dragged her through the ground from the seat. He waited no more, he raped her, he dragged his long nails along her face tearing up her skin. He choked her. After about 7–8 hours he got tired. He invited the entire Yakuza gang and all his friends to the house.

“Hey friends, I brought a new meal for you, she says she is the Queen of Japan. Why don’t we treat the Queen well?” Hiroshi announced.

One by one, they tortured the young girl. Junko was not allowed to wear clothes in the house, she was shivering, because of the cold nights. She was not given food. She was forced to eat alive cockroaches and human excreta, her own as well as of others. They peed on her. They clipped off her nipples. They sewed her chest with sewing needles. Burnt her eyelids with lit cigarettes. They used her as leg rest. Their favourite game was to insert all the available objects into Junko’s vagina they used scissors, bottles, iron bars, grilled chicken skewers and even exploding firework.

Junko forgot how to cry. She doesn’t cry anymore. She begged them to kill her. But they never did. Once when they heard her begging, she was asked to shut up, which she refused and a bulb was light up and forced up into her vagina, and was exploded. She started vomiting blood. Her internal organs were all damaged. She couldn’t even urinate, every time she did, it was blood that came out. She was also unable to drink water or eat food, whenever she tried, she vomited, for which she received further beatings. She lived, although she wished to die.

Meanwhile, her parents were searching for her, everywhere. As the news spread, she was forced to make a call to her father. “ If you say another word about what is happening here, your parents would die.”, they warned her. She dialled the number, “ Hello Papa, you have to stop searching for me. I think I have found my way, I am living happily with my lover. Bye.” And she hung up. But Junko didn’t cry. She was brave. “At least, I saved my parents”, she thought.

This young girl was raped and tortured continuously for forty-four days almost 400 times. Her soul refused to leave her body. She prayed for death. And now, Junko’s pretty face is unrecognisable. Both her eyelids were burnt, her body was weak, ribs were all damaged and skin burnt with cigarettes. Her body started smelling foul. They found her disgusting.

She is of no use now, they thought. They started thinking of the best way to kill her. A game of solitaire, where the winner decides what kind of death to be given. Junko won the game, which again hurt the testosterone-filled monsters’ reputation. They poured oil on her legs and her legs were set on fire. And after the fire went out, she was tied up in a punching bag, was kicked and punched from every side, was hit with dumbells till they were all tired. She was taken out of the bag. Junko was still breathing. Junko was brave, even death couldn’t take her away.

They made her sit inside a drum and filled it with concrete. And was disposed of in Tokyo. And Junko was forgotten.

After almost a year, Hiroshi had kidnapped another woman, but this time the Police arrested them. Hiroshi poured out all the truth, he confessed where Junko is. And only then her body was found.

Yes. all the four main culprits were arrested. But they were all under juvenile laws.

Hiroshi Miyano, was sentenced to 20 years in prison and was released in 2009.

Nobuharu Minato, was sentenced to 5–9 years in prison. He was just 15 years old.

Yasushi Watanabe who was 17 at the time of the crime was sentenced for 7 years.

Jō Ogura was in a juvenile facility for 8 years. He was 17.

These inhuman boys are still outside of the prison after a few years of imprisonment enjoying their mid-thirties. Some of them were caught multiple times indulging in new murders and rapes. This makes me sad. This is even worse than Junko’s story.

At Junko’s funeral her best friend said:

“Jun-chan, welcome back. I have never dreamed that we would see you again in this way. You must have been in so much pain … so much suffering … The happiness we all made for the school festival looked really good on you. We will never forget you. I have heard that the headmaster has presented you with a graduation certificate. So we graduated together — all of us. Jun-chan, there is no more pain, no more suffering. Please rest in peace.”

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I have had many sleepless nights after knowing Junko’s life. And the first time, when I read about all the tortures, I couldn’t help, but cry. It was so hard for me to forget Junko Furuta and her smiling face. I don’t know how I got the courage today, to detail a few of the tortures. But this is not all, I really don’t think I would ever have the emotional strength to detail any more of what happened to her.

The drum in which she was buried(concreted).

The four cruel faces.

In case if Junko’s story was the reason for you to worry today, just remember, us being depressed about Junko’s life is not going to change anything. But what we can do is stay humble and grateful for the life we have now.

“They may have perished Junko’s body, but her spirit remained unbroken and determined.”





Dona Sussan Chacko
Dona Sussan Chacko

Written by Dona Sussan Chacko

💻 Engineer | 📚 Storyteller | 💡 Always curious | 😁 Witty on a good day

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