Untold story of Pablo Escobar

Dona Sussan Chacko
6 min readNov 30, 2020


Young Pablo, was walking along with his friend towards his college, his friend asked him, “Pablo, when you get out of here, what do you wanna do?”, to which Pablo replied. “To be the President of Columbia, so that we no longer will be slaves to Americans”. Pablo wasn’t just a dreamy boy, he had plans. He studied well.

But later that day the Principal told him “Pablo Escobar, you are a good student. You entered the University because of your merit, but the merit allowance was only for six months. You have the rest of the fees due.” He had no answer. He went straight to his home. And never came back. His family was helpless. Pablo went straight out to all the banks in the town. But he was thrown out and dragged away by the security guards. An this 20-year-old young boy had to drop his education.

He was at the church thinking what he could do for a living. His family was starving and he finally found a way. He went out to the graveyard at night, stole a marble near the grave which was carved: “Alan Johannes, Born on: 1890 Died on:1920”. He took it home, tried his best to remove the carving and sold it. He earned a fair amount. Soon, this became his favourite hobby. But even then, when someone asked him, what he wants to be, he’d say, “The President of Columbia”. He stood as a candidate in his locality, but then he realised, money matters here too.

This fueled the unending need for money in him. He spend day and night thinking about a solution. And one fine day, all his thoughts ran into a single converging point, “COCAINE”, he whispered. If he could take cocaine from Columbia to America, he could reap a lot. He gathered a few of his friends and discussed his plans, they were called, “The Medellin Cartel”. In the initial stages, Pablo asked passengers from Columbia to America to transport cocaine. As each day passed, Pablo became stronger, Medellin Cartel started growing rapidly.

And twenty-two-year-old Pablo Escobar became a millionaire. Medellin Cartel started weapon trafficking and selling every type of drugs. And when America realised, the downfall of their youth was closely related to the drugs, they came in searching for the source. Every fingers pointed towards Pablo Escobar. America imposed restrictions on Pablo. But it didn’t shake him.

Pablo went out with briefcases of money, and bought the Pilots of all the major aeroplanes. They allowed him to fill cocaine in the tires of the plane. He also bought an Island close to the American coast. And made it his territory.

The American and Columbian government assigned a task force to bring down this drug lord. They went in search of Pablo’s Columbian territory. But this was a densely packed violent street. Even the 5-year-olds played with weapons and drugs. And it seemed impossible for the special task force to approach Pablo Escobar.

And when they had no other means, the task force started arresting people close to Pablo. They were beaten and starved, but no one spoke anything about Pablo Escobar except this:

“He gives us home, he gives us food, he gives everyone lives, our kids are going to school, he is saviour, he is the people’s ruler”

Pablo Escobar was a drug lord, but he used to give away 40 per cent of his earnings to the betterment of Columbian people.

As days passed his business flourished all over the globe, and he had no ways to store all of his money. Afterall, Illegal money can’t be stocked in banks. So he had to resort to keeping the heaps of notes inside rooms or private lockers. He had to spend nearly 10,000 dollars for buying rubber bands to stack his currency. One day when his assistant ran up to him, saying rats were eating up the money. Well, the rats alone in Pablo Escobar’s room ate Two Billion Dollars!

Pablo Escobar, was alone in his room thinking, he was the Lord of Columbia and there is nothing he couldn’t afford.Pablo started a mega-series of mass killings. He pointed guns against any finger that pointed to him. Summing up, he killed SIXTY-thousand Columbian citizens.

“Sometimes I feel like God…when I order someone killed — they die the same day.”
Pablo Escobar

  1. Among the 60,000 citizens, 600 were Police officers.
  2. Nearly 200 were Judges
  3. And others were lawyers, journalists and ordinary men.

Pablo Escobar was being forgotten by the people. Those men and women who called him “God”, started fearing him. Even the wind scared to utter his name.

Columbian and American government couldn’t stand this anymore. In 1991, they ordered strict surrendering. But Pablo Escobar had some other thoughts in his mind. He said, “Alright I would surrender to authorities and serve a maximum term of five full years, but in the prison I build”. He also had the right to choose the guards.

And the most luxurious prison “La Catedral” also known as Hotel Escobar was built. La Catedral was a huge Mansion, that featured a Football pitch, beautiful waterfalls, a huge dollhouse, Jacuzzi and even a telescope that Pablo Escobar could use to look at his daughters residence, while she was on phone. To be frank the jail was built not to surrender to the government, but to protect himself from being assassinated. And he wasn’t still, the series of mass killing, trafficking and drug cartels continued.

American and Columbian government secretly planned to kill Pablo Escobar inside La Catedral. They assigned the duty to six-hundred officers. The squad encircled La Catedral, and killed all the guards and went in search of Escobar. But Pablo did not leave even a trace! He went outside through the tunnel he had created inside his very own jail.

“ Sir, here’s a tunnel”, exclaimed an officer. As some of them went inside in search of Pablo Escobar, they realised the tunnel was more than twelve km long!

For twenty long months, the Columbian and American governments held regular discussions to trap Pablo Escobar. Even after searching through every depths and widths, Pablo was never found.

Meanwhile, Pablo Escobar was cutting woods in a small Columbian village. He made food on his own, living peacefully in a small hut. Pablo Escobar was a changed man. His features and appearance changed drastically. His character too. Pablo Escobar evolved into an ordinary human being. He had this great desire to reunite with his family.

“I can replace things, but I could never replace my wife and kids.”
Pablo Escobar

On his 44th Birthday, he called his wife and daughter expressing his deepest desire to be with them. But little did Pablo Escobar knew, the Columbian government was tracking this call. And the World’s greatest gangster Pablo Escobar was shot down!

Pablo Escobar had this ruthless ambition to rule his country. Which he actually did. Maybe he just did not become the President. He was one of the smartest and richest men alive, but also one of the most violent criminals of all time.

“There can only be one king.”
Pablo Escobar



Pablo Escobar
View from La Catedral
Pablo Escobar aged forty-four



Dona Sussan Chacko
Dona Sussan Chacko

Written by Dona Sussan Chacko

💻 Engineer | 📚 Storyteller | 💡 Always curious | 😁 Witty on a good day

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