The Mirror, Candle and Mary

Dona Sussan Chacko
4 min readSep 12, 2020


An old tale

(Warning: The following content may be slightly disturbing to some readers.)

Get into a dark room, light a candle, walk towards your mirror and say: “Bloody Mary… Bloody Mary… Bloody Mary” And in at the next moment, she will be standing behind you with teary eyes, lips drizzling with blood and smiling at you carrying an infant bathed in blood. She won’t leave without you. But if you are unmarried and curious to know who your partner will be, Mary will show it to you. Believe it or not.

But who is Mary?

Henry was tensed. He heard his wife scream from the next room and a baby crying. The midwife ran towards him holding the newborn. “Is it a boy”, he asked. “No”, said the lady. Henry tossed the glass of wine on to the floor and walked away in anger. And Mary was born. Henry soon married another woman. But this time too, Henry was fooled by fate and Elizabeth was born.

Henry passed away and the land was to be taken over by any of his daughters. People of the land said Elizabeth has a charming and adorable features and her face proclaims she has royal blood in her veins. Whereas Mary had a pale and plain face, that showed nothing but worries and pain from her childhood.

One day when little Mary was walking down the stairs of her home, she heard the maids drawing comparison between her and her sister. Mary could do nothing but hold her tears, shut herself in her room and knelt down in front of Christ and prayed.

Even though people never actually liked Mary, they were impressed by her devotion to Christ and Christianity. She held the Catholic church always close to her heart. But she forgot to focus on the matters of people, the land and its growth. This made people to look at Mary with anger and disrespect. “She is not meant to be a ruler”, they shouted.

The council asked her to arrange a marriage, get a powerful man as her partner and only then she can give undivided attention to her church as well as to the rest of the people. And Mary found Philip. She loved Philip a lot. She started dreaming about having a son. “My son would be a powerful ruler for the land, she thought”. But never did she know Philip just wanted power and wealth. Philip never stayed with Mary, he started spending his days in brothels with prostitutes and hamlets.

“ Mary herself couldn’t be a ruler, but look at the perfect partner she found”, even people of the Catholic church started criticising Mary for her ignorance.

One evening when Mary was getting ready for the council, but she felt uneasy. She was feeling nauseated. These were indications of a royal pregnancy. Everyone started praising Mary and celebrated the conceiving of her baby. Following the traditions of the land, a pregnant woman should be safely kept inside a room, alone. This was to prevent any chances of miscarriage or adverse conditions. Mary was in that room, caressing her belly and the child inside. There were only a very big mirror and candle which was always lit up and some caretakers near the door.

Everyone was expecting a new ruler. But little did they knew, this was a Phantom pregnancy. Mary was never pregnant. Her desire for having a baby was so intense that she felt she was pregnant and her body started showing signs. Just like how we can make up feverish looks for skipping a class. But when we do, we know we are acting. But Mary didn’t.

Days, weeks and months passed and when Mary got out of the room, people reacted violently filled with hatred. Mary went back into that dark room. She gazed into the mirror for hours thinking, “Who is spreading all these hatred. Who wants my reign to end?” And Mary whispered… “The protestants”. Catholics would never say that. Mary thought.

Mary went out of the room hastily and ordered to burn 300 Protestant men alive. Firewoods were brought, fire was ready and 300 men were turned into ashes. Mary rejoiced. People started calling her “Bloody Mary”. After that, they never publically criticised Mary. They wanted to live.

News spread “ Mary is pregnant again.” But now everyone except Mary knew, it was another magical pregnancy. Mary waited hours, days and months for her son, staring at the mirror without blinking her eyes. After years of waiting Mary left the world without a son when she was just 42.

Mary’s sister Elizabeth maintained the lineage which now reaching up to Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Queen Mary is the first woman ruler of England. And the tale of Bloody Queen Mary spreads all across Europe even now.

After her death, a lot of people, who criticised her started dying one by one. It is said that whoever goes into a dark room, holding a candle and standing next to the mirror, whispering “Bloody Mary” three times can see Mary, with teary eyes, blood dripping mouth and an infant covered in blood. If they are lucky enough they can go with Mary. This is a common dare in England, just like Ouija boards. But after all, it’s just a matter of imagination. Just like Mary thought of her non-existing son, if we start thinking of Mary on the mirror, our subconscious mind may find her.

Better not stare at her too much!
Just wanted to show how scared I was while writing this.

So, Is going to the mirror holding a candle?

I am not gonna try anyway!

Are you ?





Dona Sussan Chacko
Dona Sussan Chacko

Written by Dona Sussan Chacko

💻 Engineer | 📚 Storyteller | 💡 Always curious | 😁 Witty on a good day

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